Author: mark

Stone Tools Matching Pairs Game

Can you find the matching pairs? When you do, you will learn more about what is shown in the photograph.

– P means that the tool is Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age)
– M means that the tool is Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)
– N means that the tool is Neolithic (New Stone Age)

Stone Age Tools Hotspots

These are Mesolithic tools that Stone Age people used as everyday items. They would be essential to survival. The Mesolithic era was from approximately 11,000 BC to 6,000 BC.

If you click on the hotspots, you can find out more about the different tools. Why not try to guess what each tool is before checking?

Pre-history Timeline and Quiz

Prehistoric Britain was the time of the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age. It was a time when history was not recorded so instead, archaeologists have uncovered the mysteries of the era. But how much do you know about this exciting time in our history?

This interactive will inform you about the Stone Age and there’s a quiz… if you have your thinking cap on!

Enjoy and good luck!

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