This slideshow covers the topic of Skara Brae in Scotland. This will show all of its hidden mysteries and how it was discovered.
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This comprehension will educate you about the inside and outside of Neolithic (New Stone Age) Houses.
Prehistoric Britain was the time of the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age. It was a time when history was not recorded so instead, archaeologists have uncovered the mysteries of the era. But how much do you know about this exciting time in our history?
This interactive will inform you about the Stone Age and there’s a quiz… if you have your thinking cap on!
Enjoy and good luck!
Click on the hotspots to discover more about hunter-gatherers.
Spotting evidence of the Second World War on 1940s aerial photographs.
Click on the hotspots to find out more.
Emergency Water Supply (EWS) tanks: Longton, Stoke-on-Trent.
Aerial Evidence: anti-glider trenches.
Spotting evidence of the Second World War on 1940s aerial photographs.
Life in a Medieval Monastery – Byland Abbey (Hotspot activity)